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Certificate Course for Caregivers 熱線 : (852) 2381 2387 一般查詢 : 繁 / ENG
電話 : (852) 2381 2387 電郵 :
Whatsapp: 5445 1441

Certificate Course for Caregivers
本課程獲美國 American Caregiver Association 及英國 City & Guilds 與 Training Qualifications UK 認可
完成課程之學員除可獲頒發美國 American Caregiver Association 之 National Caregiver Certificate、英國 City & Guilds 之 Assured Professional Certificate in Caregiving 及Training Qualifications UK 之 Certificate in Caregiving (Level 2) 證書外,更可獲香港心臟護理學會及美國 American Safety and Health Institute 頒發急救證書
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